11 safety tips to keep in mind while Roller Skating

Roller skate safety

Going from point A to B on roller skates is a lot of fun. These classic sports gear have had a significant impact on popular culture. Roller skates, roller boards, and rollerblades have all appeared in various films, television shows, and music videos. Adding roller skates, or a roller board with blades, to the mix, lends a unique flair to things.

Roller skates are the transportation mode of the future for short distances. It is environmentally beneficial, time-saving, and hassle-free. It provides the skater with an excellent impression in the eyes of onlookers. The disco and hip-hop music of the 1980s and 1990s was associated with the use of roller skates. It was extremely popular as a recreational pastime at the time. A variation of roller skating, roller hockey made it to the Olympics in that era.

The American Heart Association has called roller skating an aerobic fitness sport. Because of the fantastic health benefits of roller skating, the trend has revived in the COVID pandemic situation.

Roller skating is being considered as an alternative to jogging because both activities have similar health advantages. It is seen as a fitness sport by many. Skating burns calories; according to one study, an hour of skating burns approximately 330 calories. The greater the pace at which one skates, the greater the number of calories burned.

Now, you can stay fit while having fun!

Roller skating can be used as a mode of transportation as well. Imagine Marty McFly from the Back to the Future film franchise, and only he was on a skateboard instead of a bike. But that is a descendant of the first roller skates. They just put a board on top of the existing structure. McFly relied on his skateboard to go to and from school and job and pay a visit to Doc Emmett on occasion.

There are a few safety precautions you should consider before beginning this fun time sport or if you wish to reignite your previous love of roller skating. You must notice and remember these suggestions before hitting the road to avoid hitting on the road!


Roller skate safety


First thing first

Roller skate boots: To skate, you will require high-quality roller skates. The most incredible roller skate boots are made of a robust and durable material. You should not be able to squeeze the boot at any point. The boot on that skate is no good if you can tweak it. Boots that are hard and strong will safeguard your feet in the event of an accident. A hard and sturdy boot means the material is suitable for plastic.

Your comfort should be your priority in selecting a roller skate boot.

Knee-pads- Knee-pads keep your knees safe. They cushion any fall and protect your knee and knee caps from injury.

Elbow pads: Like the knee pads, elbow pads are a must-have item. They save your elbow in case of a fall.

Wrist-guard: Same safety principle as the knee and elbow pads.

Gloves: Gloves are needed to protect your fingers.

Mouthguard: Mouthguards keep your teeth safe. It not only saves your teeth but your tongue too. In case of a fall, your teeth and tongue need protection. A mouth guard takes care of that concern.

Helmet: Always wear a helmet. You can find the hamlets of roller skating in your local shops or on Amazon. Helmets that are intended explicitly for roller skating or skateboarding will be required. As a result of the helmet length on the backside, it protects the skull base in the event of a backward fall. Take the time to ensure that your helmet is the correct fit for your head.

Strap your helmet correctly.

Trainer: There are certified Skate Instructor Association trainers around. Lookup for the one nearest to you. Or you can purchase a PVC roller skate trainer and train yourself.

Now that you know what safety measures you will need, you are good to go!

But where to go for roller skating?


Picking up the place:

When training, it is always preferable to do it in an open area with a flat, level surface. Parking spaces may be available as an alternative. Skaters are drawn to vacant parking lots regularly. You will have company and assistance as you learn to skate.

Pavements are another place to learn skating. The grass breaks your fall. You can use tennis courts to learn skating.

However, you can always look up places where skaters gather.

Indoor skating can help you develop your skills. Still, our advice is that you first master the basics of skating to prevent any unfortunate accident. Once you have gathered enough skills, you can go for outdoor skating.

Be advised, outside does not mean on the road! That takes long practice, skills, and balance.

On passing the primary level, you can go to a park trail or skate rink. After you have mastered all these, you are ready.

Now, you will need more safety tips than before. You are in the big boy club now.


Let’s go through the to-do list:

  1. You will need an identification card at all times to avoid the worst-case scenario. An identification card helps you in the case of an accident. If you have mastered the skill, you will not have an accident. Although not required, it is a good idea to keep your identity card on you at all times.
  2. A whistle can help you attract attention in the case of an accident or any unpleasant. Your cell phone can save lives at times of emergency.
  3. Skate during the daylight hours. If you prefer to skate at night, please wear a reflective jacket to ensure that bypassers can see you. Because you cannot see the surface you are skating on at night, it is preferable not to go ice skating at night. Any irregularity in the surface can result in a painful accident.
  4. Always use sidewalks, or bike paths, or skating trails for skating. Let people ahead of you know that you are coming. Before passing them, let them know you are going to pass them. Always pass others on their left. Never pass anyone on their right. Basic traffic rules, people! Stay on the right, pass on the left. Yell “on your left” whenever you are planning to pass someone, always!
  5. Carry a backpack with first aid kits, water, sunscreen cream, and dry food. You will never know when you might need a first aid kit. It is always better to be prepared—bandages, antiseptic creams, sanitizer (rubbing alcohol), cotton, bandage rolls, etc.
  6. Sunscreen creams with SPF of 30 or higher will protect your skin from sunburns. Wear comfortable clothes.
  7. Avoid skating on rainy days. Raindrops can fill up small holes on the road. That can lead to accidents. Raindrops also change the friction between the pavement and the wheels. That makes it harder to skate.
  8. Never skate on snowy days. Snow, like rain, is slippery. You can never get enough friction from the surface. Skating on snow could cause accidents. Avoid snowy days.
  9. Skate with a friend, or rather make skater friends. Having company to skate with is a good practice because you will enjoy the experience even more this way.
  10. It may appear cool to be towed behind cars, bikes, or trucks, but You should avoid this at any cost. You might have seen this many times in films. Those, on the other hand, are stunts conducted by professionals. They are not intended to be copied by anybody other than a trained professional. Once you’ve gained experience, you can try out those moves.
  11. Avoid show-boating. Show-boaters are experts at what they do. It takes years of practice to master show-boating. Even then, people do not get it right. It is better to avoid risky activities altogether.

Now that you know almost everything you need to know, it’s time to burn some calories and release some dopamine and adrenaline.

Safe skating!

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